Jonah Berger, författaren bakom Contagious som vidareutvecklar många av tankarna i detta kapitel, diskuterar varför saker sprider sig.

Why do certain products and ideas go viral? Dynamic young Wharton professor Jonah Berger draws on his research to explain the six steps that make products or ideas contagious.

Why do some products get more word of mouth than others? Why does some online content go viral? Word of mouth makes products, ideas, and behaviors catch on. It’s more influential than advertising and far more effective.

Can you create word of mouth for your product or idea? According to Berger, you can. Whether you operate a neighborhood restaurant, a corporation with hundreds of employees, or are running for a local office for the first time, the steps that can help your product or idea become viral are the same.

Contagious is filled with fascinating information drawn from Berger’s research. You will be surprised to learn, for example, just how little word of mouth is generated online versus elsewhere. Already praised by Dan Ariely and Dan Gilbert, and sold in nine countries, this book is a must-listen for people who want their projects and ideas to succeed.


Joe Pulizzi, författaren bakom Epic Content Marketing som vidareutvecklar många av tankarna i detta kapitel, talar om olika Content Marketing Strategies.

How do you cut through the noise, commotion, and bad information that is right now cluttering up your customers’ digital space?

Epic Content Marketing. One of the world’s leading experts on content marketing, Joe Pulizzi explains how to draw prospects and customers in by creating information and content they actually want to engage with. No longer can we interrupt our customers with mediocre content (and sales messages) our customers don’t care about.

Epic Content Marketing takes you step by step through the process of developing stories that inform and entertain and compel customers to act – without actually telling them to. Epic content, distributed to the right person at the right time, is how to truly capture the hearts and minds of customers. It’s how to position your business as a trusted expert in its industry. It’s what customers share and talk about.